A contract address for an epoch key lite verifier helper. See IVerifier for more info.
- Typescript/Javascript
- Solidity
import { deployVerifierHelper } from '@unirep/contracts/deploy'
import { defaultProver } from '@unirep/circuits/provers/defaultProver'
import { Circuit, EpochKeyLiteProof } from '@unirep/circuits'
// deploys epoch key lite verifier helper contract
const epochKeyLiteVerifierHelper = await deployVerifierHelper(accounts[0], Circuit.epochKeyLite)
const r = await defaultProver.genProofAndPublicSignals(
CircuitInputs // see @unirep/circuits to know the whole circuit inputs
const { publicSignals, proof } = new EpochKeyLiteProof(
// fails or returns proof signals
const signals = await epochKeyLiteVerifierHelper.verifyAndCheck(
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import { EpochKeyLiteVerifierHelper } from '@unirep/contracts/verifierHelpers/EpochKeyLiteVerifierHelper.sol';
contract App {
// use the deployed helper
EpochKeyLiteVerifierHelper public helper;
EpochKeyLiteVerifierHelper _helper
) {
helper = _helper;
// decode and verify the proofs
// fails or returns proof signals
function decodeAndVerify(
uint256[] calldata publicSignals,
uint256[8] calldata proof
) public view returns (EpochKeyLiteVerifierHelper.EpochKeySignals memory) {
return helper.verifyAndCheck(publicSignals, proof);
Decode the public signals from an epoch key lite proof info named variables.
function decodeEpochKeyLiteSignals(uint256[] memory publicSignals)
returns (EpochKeySignals memory)
The stateTreeRoot
variable in this struct is unused for epoch key lite proofs.
struct EpochKeySignals {
bool revealNonce;
uint8 nonce;
uint48 epoch;
uint160 attesterId;
uint256 stateTreeRoot;
uint256 epochKey;
uint256 data;
Verify an epoch key lite proof and validate the public signals against the onchain state. This function will revert if any inputs are invalid.
This function does not require the epoch for the proof to be the current epoch. The user may generate a valid proof for a past epoch. If you require the proof to be for the current epoch you should add an additional check using attesterCurrentEpoch
This function does not verify that the attesterId
is the same as the caller. Thus, we recommend that to either use verifyAndCheckCaller or to manually verify the attesterId
function verifyAndCheck(
uint256[] calldata publicSignals,
uint256[8] calldata proof
) public
returns (EpochKeySignals memory)
Verify an epoch key lite proof and validate the public signals against the onchain state. This function will revert if any inputs are invalid. This is identical to verifyAndCheck
but also checks that the caller is the attester.
This function does not require the epoch for the proof to be the current epoch. The user may generate a valid proof for a past epoch. If you require the proof to be for the current epoch you should add an additional check using attesterCurrentEpoch
function verifyAndCheckCaller(
uint256[] calldata publicSignals,
uint256[8] calldata proof
) public
returns (EpochKeySignals memory)