Epoch Key
Epoch keys are public, temporary, identifiers for users.
- Unique epoch keys are generated for each user in each epoch.
- They are the users' temporary personas, allowing anonymous interaction with others.
- Epoch keys receive attestations to change user data.
- An epoch key is computed by:
const field =
attesterId +
(epoch << 160) +
(nonce << 208) +
(chainId << 216)
poseidon2([identitySecret, field])
The field looks like:
chain id | nonce | epoch | attester id |
36 bits | 8 bits | 48 bits | 160 bits |
where nonce
can be any value between 0
and numEpochKeyNoncePerEpoch - 1
, so that a user can have numEpochKeyNoncePerEpoch
epoch keys per epoch.
- Only a user knows their
, so only they know if they have received an attestation; others see an attestation given to a random value. - In the epoch key proof circuit, a user can prove that they own an
, and so are able to receive and process attestations given to thatepochKey