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Version: 2.0.0-beta-4


UniRep needs to persist data in order to construct state and make proofs. To do this we use a generic database wrapper called anondb. This wrapper has support for desktop environment databases like SQLite, as well as the IndexedDB browser database.

@unirep/core ships a schema that should be used with the database. This schema can be extended by adding additional collections for application specific data storage.

import { schema } from '@unirep/core'
import { SQLiteConnector } from 'anondb/node'
import { IndexedDBConnector } from 'anondb/web'

// in nodejs
const db = new SQLiteConnector(schema, ':memory:')
// in browser
const db = new IndexedDBConnector(schema, 1)


Used to store information about what blocks/transactions/events have been processed.

attesterId: string,
latestProcessedBlock: number
latestProcessedTransactionIndex: number
latestProcessedEventIndex: number
latestCompleteBlock: number


An attestation given to an epoch key.

epoch: number
epochKey: string // base 10
index: string
attesterId: string
fieldIndex: number
change: string
blockNumber: number


A leaf from a state tree.

epoch: number
hash: string
index: number
attesterId: string
blockNumber: number


A leaf from an epoch tree.

id: string
epoch: number
hash: string
index: string
attesterId: string
blockNumber: number


A leaf from an attester history tree.

id: string
index: number
attesterId: string
leaf: string


An epoch entry.

number: number
attesterId: string
sealed: boolean


epoch: number
attesterId: string
nullifier: string
transactionHash: string
blockNumber: number


An object created when a user joins an attester.

commitment: string
epoch: number
attesterId: string
blockNumber: number


An object created when an attester registers with the UniRep instance.

_id: string // the attester address
startTimestamp: number
epochLength: number