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Version: 2.0.0-beta-4

Data Schema

The DataSchema class abstracts UniRep data into a JavaScript object. This class can be used to encode and decode attestation data, and build attestations that are ready to be submitted to the UniRep smart contract.

import { Attestation, DataSchema, SchemaField } from '@unirep/core'

const schema: SchemaField[] = [
name: 'posRep',
type: 'uint64',
updateBy: 'sum',
name: 'negRep',
type: 'uint64',
updateBy: 'sum',
name: 'graffiti',
type: 'uint205', // replacement fields must be `uint205`
updateBy: 'replace',
name: 'postCount',
type: 'uint49',
updateBy: 'sum',
name: 'commentCount',
type: 'uint49',
updateBy: 'sum',
name: 'voteCount',
type: 'uint49',
updateBy: 'sum',

const d = new DataSchema(schema)

// 10 will be added to the 'posRep' field in the user data
const sumChange = { name: 'posRep', val: BigInt(10) }
const sumAttestation: Attestation = d.buildAttestation(sumChange)

// 20 will replace the current value in the 'graffiti' field in user data
const replacementChange = { name: 'graffiti', val: BigInt(20) }
const replacementAttestation: Attestation =

// Multiple attestations can build using `buildAttestations()`
const changes = [
{ name: 'posRep', val: BigInt(10) },
{ name: 'negRep', val: BigInt(10) },
{ name: 'negRep', val: BigInt(20) },
{ name: 'graffiti', val: BigInt(30) },

//Returns two `Attestation` objects: 'posRep' and 'negRep' attestations are combined into one attestation
const attestations: Attestation[] = d.buildAttestations(changes)

// JS literal representing emitted data from a UniRep contract
const data = [

parsedData = {
posRep: 10n,
negRep: 30n,
graffiti: 30n,
postCount: 0n,
commentCount: 0n,
voteCount: 0n
const parsedData = d.parseData(data)


Type describing each field in the user-defined schema. Schema field type must be a uint

type SchemaField = {
name: string // field name
type: string // uint*
updateBy: 'sum' | 'replace' // either update by adding or replacing user data


Type to be used with a deployed unirepContract object

type Attestation = {
fieldIndex: number
change: bigint


Verify a user-defined data schema

dataSchema.parseSchema(schema: SchemaField[]): 
...schema: SchemaField, // exploded `SchemaField` fields
dataIndex: number,
offset: number, // bit offset in attester change
bits: number // bits allocated


Build an Attestation object to be used for a UniRep contract

dataSchema.buildAttestation(change: { name: string; val: bigint }): Attestation 


Build multiple Attestation objects trying to combine attestation changes when possible.

dataSchema.buildAttestations(changes: { name: string; val: bigint }[]): Attestation[]


Parse encoded schema, producing a dictionary of user-defined field names and attestation value

dataSchema.parseData(data: bigint[]): any