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Version: 1.0.1

Reputation Proof

Users can use a reputation proof to claim that how the reputation is from a given attester. There are following things that user can choose to prove:

  1. The pos_rep - neg_rep given by the attester is more than the claimed min_rep i.e.

    (pos_rep - neg_rep) >= min_rep
  2. The graffiti_preimage of a graffiti i.e.

    hash(graffiti_preimage) == graffiti
  3. The reputation nullifiers are computed correctly i.e.

    // for all nonces
    nonce >= 0
    nonce < pos_rep - neg_rep
    reputation_nullifiers = hash4(

The circuit also checks if the user has registered and performed user state transition in the claimed epoch.

Public inputs

  • epoch
  • attester_id
  • rep_nullifiers_amount
  • min_rep
  • prove_graffiti
  • graffiti_pre_image

Public outputs

  • epoch_key
  • GST_root
  • rep_nullifiers

Private inputs

  • epoch_key_nonce
  • identity_nullifier
  • identity_trapdoor
  • user_tree_root
  • GST_path_index
  • GST_path_elements
  • pos_rep
  • neg_rep
  • graffiti
  • sign_up
  • UST_path_elements
  • start_rep_nonce


1. Check if user exists in the Global State Tree and verify epoch key

Check the constrains in epoch key proof.

2. Check if the reputation given by the attester is in the user state tree

Check if hash(pos_rep, neg_rep, graffiti, sign_up) is one of the leaves in the user state tree of root user_tree_root.

3. Check if reputation nullifiers are valid

Check if start_rep_nonce + rep_nullifiers_amount < pos_rep - neg_rep.

Check if

rep_nullifier[i] = hash4(
start_rep_nonce + i,

for all 0 <= i < rep_nullifiers_amount

4. Check if user has reputation greater than min_rep

Check if

  1. min_rep > 0
  2. pos_rep - neg_rep >= 0
  3. pos_rep - neg_rep >= min_rep

5. Check pre-image of graffiti

Check if hash(graffiti_pre_image) == graffiti.


See the whole circuit in circuits/proveReputation.circom